Baringo, M. Rahimiyan, “Virtual Power Plants and Electricity Markets: Decision Making Under Uncertainty,” Springer, 2020.

Kiani-Moghaddam, M. Shivaie, P.D. Weinsier, “Modern Music-Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Electric Power Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Practice”, Springer, 2019.

Kiani-Moghaddam, M. Shivaie, P.D. Weinsier, “Two-Level multidimensional enhanced melody search algorithm for dynamic planning of MV open-loop distribution networks”, Classical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization, Elsevier, 2018.

M. Shivaie, M. Kiani-Moghaddam, PD. Weinsier “Resilience-based tri-level framework for simultaneous transmission and substation expansion planning considering extreme weather-related events”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol 14, No. 16, pp. 3310-3321, October 2020.
M. Shivaie, M. Kiani-Moghaddam, PD. Weinsier “A vulnerability-constrained quad-level model for coordination of generation and transmission expansion planning under seismic- and terrorist-induced events”, Elsevier: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 120, pp. 105958, 2020.
M. Shivaie, M. Kiani-Moghaddam, PD. Weinsier “Incorporating unified interphase power controllers into robust multi-period transmission expansion planning to mitigate short-circuit level”, Elsevier: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 117, pp. 105672, 2020.
A. Abedi, and M. Rahimiyan, “Day-Ahead Energy and Reserve Scheduling under Correlated Wind Power Production”, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 120, 105931, September 2020.
M. Shivaie, M. Mokhayeri, M. Kiani-Moghaddam, A. Ashouri-Zadeh, “A reliability-constrained cost-effective model for optimal sizing of an autonomous hybrid solar/wind/diesel/battery energy system by a modified discrete bat search algorithm,” Elsevier: Solar Energy, Vol. 189, 1 pp. 344-356, 2019.
M. Kiani-Moghaddam, M. Shivaie, PD. Weinsier “A techno-economic multi-objective model for hybrid harmonic filter planning considering uncertainty in non-linear loads”, Elsevier: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 112, pp. 339-352, 2019.
M. Rahimiyan, and L. Baringo, “Real-Time Energy Management of a Smart Virtual Power Plant”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 13, Issue 11, pp. 2015-2023, June 2019.
M. Shivaie, M. Kiani-Moghaddam, M. Ansari, “Transmission-service pricing by incorporating load following and correlation factors within a restructured environment”,  Elsevier: Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 163, No. Part B, pp. 538-546, 2018.
B. Sirjani, and M. Rahimiyan, “Wind Power and Market Power in Short-Term Electricity Markets”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Volume 28, Issue 8, August 2018.
A. Ghasemi, M. Banejad, and M. Rahimiyan, “Integrated Energy Scheduling under Uncertainty in a Micro Energy Grid”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 12, Issue 12, pp. 2887-2896, July 2018.
A. R. Vahabi, M. A. Latify, M. Rahimiyan, and G. R. Yousefi, “An Equitable and Efficient Energy Management Approach for a Cluster of Price-Responsive Demands”, Applied Energy, Volume 219, pp. 276-279, June 2018.
M. Ameri, M. Rahimiyan, and M. A. Latify, “Capacity Withholding Constrained by Operational Limits of Generation Under Financial Virtual Divestiture in a Day-Ahead Market”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 33, Issue 1, pp. 771-780, January 2018.
M. Kiani-Moghaddam, M. Shivaie, A. Salemnia, M.T. Ameli, “Probabilistic multi-objective framework for multiple active power filters planning”, Taylor & Francis: Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 45, No. 18, pp. 2062-2077, 2017.
M. Rahimiyan, and L. Baringo, “Strategic Bidding for a Virtual Power Plant in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets: A Price-Taker Robust Optimization Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 31, pp. 2676-2687, July 2016.
R. Arjmand, and M. Rahimiyan, “Statistical Analysis of a Competitive Day-Ahead Market Coupled with Correlated Wind Production and Electric Load”, Applied Energy, Volume 161, pp. 153-167, January 2016.
R. Arjmand, and M. Rahimiyan, “Impact of Spatio-Temporal Correlation of Wind Production on Clearing Outcomes of a Competitive Pool Market”, Renewable Energy, Volume 86, pp. 216-227, February 2016.
M. Rahimiyan, “A Statistical Cognitive Model to Assess Impact of Spatially Correlated Wind Production on Market Behaviors”, Applied Energy, Volume 122, Issue 1, pp. 62-72, June 2014.
M. Rahimiyan, L. Baringo, and A. J. Conejo, “Energy Management of a Cluster of Interconnected Price‐Responsive Demands”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp. 645-655, March 2014.
M. Rahimiyan, J. M. Morales and A. J. Conejo, “Evaluating Alternative Offering Strategies for Wind Producers in a Pool”, Applied Energy, Volume 88, Issue 12, pp. 4918-4926, December 2011.
H. Rajabi Mashhadi, and M. Rahimiyan, “Measurement of Power Supplier’s Market Power Using a Proposed Fuzzy Estimator”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp. 1836-1844, November 2011.
M. Rahimiyan, and H. Rajabi Mashhadi, “An Adaptive Q-Learning Algorithm Developed for Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Electricity Market”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp. 547-556, September 2010.
M. Shivaie, M. Mokhayeri, M. Narooie Dehchil, M. Ansari “A White-Box Decision Tree-Based Preventive Strategy for Real-Time Dynamic Security Assessment Using Wide-Area Phasor Measurement,” 2021 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, USA, College Station, Texas, 2 Feb. 2021.
H. Parivar, M. Shivaie, A. Darabi, M. Rezaei, M. Ansari “An Efficient Direct Torque Control Strategy for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in Wind Energy Conversation Systems,” 2021 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, USA, College Station, Texas, 2 Feb. 2021.
M. Shivaie, A. Sadeghi, P. Rezaei, M. Ansari “Suppression of short-circuit fault current level in a multi-terminal wind farm VSC-HVDC system using resistive-type DC superconducting fault current limiters,” 2020 IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, 11 Oct. 2020.
V. Azodi, M. Shivaie, “Optimal operation of a hybrid energy system connected to electric distribution network via iHOGA platform,” International Conference on Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation, Tehran, Iran, 11 June 2019.
M. Mokhayeri, M. Shivaie, Saeed Khazaei, Mohammad Kiani Moghaddam, “A phasor-based framework for real-time identification of power systems islanding through decision-tree algorithm,” 2018 Smart Grid Conference (SGC), Kurdistan, Iran, 28 Nov. 2018.
L. Baringo, and M. Rahimiyan, “Strategic Bidding for a Virtual Power Plant: A Price-taker Robust Optimization Approach”, INFORMS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 2015.
S. Kaabe, M. Rahimiyan, and M. A. Latify, “Impact of Forecast Accuracy on Energy Management of a Virtual Power Plant”, Smart Grid Conference (SGC 2014), pp. 1-6, December 2014.
A. J. Conejo, L. Baringo, and M. Rahimiyan, “Energy Management of Interconnected Price-Responsive Demands”, INFORMS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota (EEUU), 2013.
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